Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Another Chance to see Star Wars: Backstroke of the West


Check out the full list of subtitles - "he is in my behind"

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Anything Wigan can do....

What a game - I was 4-1 down at one point! Once again Martin inspired a comeback with his brand of "running" thorugh midfield barging people out of the way.

My central defenders both getting sent off didn't help. I suspect Paul's was for attempted buggering of an official. Or ironic clapping.

Alex - formerly mediocre winger - comes off the bench to lead the fighback. Thrown on up front in the last game he scored 5!! The new Thierry Henry? Well, frankly, no.

ISS Pro Evolution 4 - Swansea Unathletic

Wonder-goalie Phil with massive swollen alien head

(it wouldn't let me make the ears any bigger).

Matt - looking like Jesus

Andy Fisher

Andy Guthrie

Paul (looks like a prisoner shot)

Garrido. Actual hair size.

Martin - the fattest battering ram in midfield - but can only last 1 half. Now nicknamed "Captain Tap" after one inspiration two-goal spree.

Greg (who is Potugues apparantly)

Sam (with realistic ginger hair and beard)

Phil Brophy


1st Team

Even more stuff!

Revenge of the Sith Frubes - now off.


Original 1979 Empire Strikes Back Cast & Crew T Shirt

ROJ Book and tape case - its cool!

Battle for Sarlaac Pit board game - this one is cellophane sealed, but Alex's copy has previously starred in the infamous "UGLY" movie.

More new figs - crazy!

20 back non-offer Stormtrooper AFA 80 (looks perfect to me mind). A Steal from Cloud City Collectables for £110! Mind you, I did have to get up at 3AM.

Trilogo Imperial Dignatary MOMC UP - minor warp to front of bubble but nothing noticeable. from my new friend at www.scifi-toys.net
Trilogo Vader MOMC C9 UP - Awesome. Spur of the moment this I was looking for a ROJ photo variation one but saw this when price checking tri-logo Han's. This one from MW Collectables.

R2 D2 with pop-up lighsabre and Han in Carbonite last 17 - MOMC C9 UP. Will I bother with AFA grading? Will I bollocks. From the ever reliable Toni Emchowitz at www.toytoni.com.

The pile I have accumulated over the last two months - probably around £600!

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Happy Birthday to Cath!

Happy birthday Cath - 22 on 20th January. We were going to see Chico but couldn't be arsed. Garrido looks on thinking about having gay sex with men. i think he MIGHT be a touch homosexual. What a head though!

Cathy's smile suggests she knows where that finger is going later

I hate these people. Scruffy, miserable, pointless degrees in some nonsense and they apply for laundry assistant jobs. They can't even put on some smart cloths for their "friend's" birthday. Idiots. Also: give me back all the taxes you are stealing from me whilst being on the dole you scrounging gits.

Joke of the night from Andrew:

How can you make a gay fuck a woman?

Shit in her cunt.


More Star Wars

1978 Power Passers "Duel at the death Star" set, with exploding X-Wing starfighter car. This thing is great - if only I could be bothered to set it up and try it out - looks fiddly though.

Sigma C3P0 sellotape dispenser, landspeeder Soap dish and Snowspeeder toothbrush holder. probably three of my all time favourite pieces. Also in background my collection of 1983 iral-B toothbrushes.

Larger focus to check that "what's that in my ass? R2 R2 what are you doing with that probe!?" expression. Mind, if you drew sellotape from there with me I'd look like that too.

Modern Art is Ace

This was Claire's present to us - it's awesome. Once I get around to it its going in the left alcove in the lounge. I need her to do me a second one for the other alcove.
I'm trying to get her to sign it but she won't!

Carded figures from every orifice!

41 back ESB Han Bespin (back)

41 back ESB Han Bespin (front)

Triologo Leia Organa Combat Poncho; Palitoy black box ROJ Squid Head; ROJ Prune Face/Anakin Flash; ESB FX-7; ROJ Lando

Friday, January 06, 2006

The Black Ron Jeremy!?



I have it good authority that Sof also had a large penis before the Op - it's like they were separated at birth!

Thursday, January 05, 2006


The sharper eyed amongst you may have noticed a Scalextric track in the earlier posts - there is a story behind this. It's not very entertaining, but I'm going to tell it anyway. You can always skip this bit? No? Idiot. You're the sort of person who writes to Points of View. It's a TV - TURN IT OVER - OR OFF. Bloody mindless zombies.

Anyway. Walking past Swansea model shop before Christmas I notice it is closing so popped in for a nose. A crate of Scalextric track sat on the floor with "free to good home" on it. There was a catch - I had to take all of it. As my hands were full of shopping I asked the guy to save it and I'd pop back. So I rushed home grabbed my big rucksack, went back to twon, spent 25 minutes stuffing it into my rucksack as best I could, thanked the guy and dragged it all the way back home. Great, I thought, Bargain. What the fuck am I going to do with 40 banked curves?!?!?

Still it was free. Anyway, I spent 4 hours assembling a huge track in the lounge, only to find the track wasn't suitable for banked curves as the cars couldnt gather enough speed, so they remain untested. After modifying the track it stood for 3 weeks until we were cleaning up after the tree. I will put it back up soon - the last one was a bit tricky and more than one lap without coming off was a challenege! Oh well, back to the drawing board, at least I'm not short of options!

Wrong numbers, cold callers and auto-dialling machines

Just one thing to say:


Death to Christmas trees!

Thank God it's over- I've had pine needles everywhere for so long I've forgotten what clean and tidy means!

Once we'd lobbed it out of the window, all we had to do was brush up the forest full of needles that fell off - about 2" deep across half the floor. Now the room is back to normal and I can relax for another 11 months. I still hate plastic ones though!

Christmas after the kidnapping of Santa...



There are several elements to this post:

1) The staff Christmas party at Eleos - very nice it was too, especially the Turkish waiter Mustapha, who's first day it was and he didn't seem to get anything right poor bloke. Sam managed to persuade me to pay £17.99 for a bottle of wine.

2) The amount of presents Cath and I had to unwrap on Christmas do was so vast it took us until 2:30!

3) Roxy loved her new scratch mat that she immediately staked her claim through the power of sleeping on it

4) Lenin, on the other hand, tried the same tactic with all the presents!

5) For some reason this page won't accept being formatted so I gave up, I'm sure I can trust you all to fit the images to the numbers? No? Bugger.

Lazy Blogger!

Hello people - long time no errr.... interface?

I've been very lazy for the last 4 weeks (3 weeks of leave!), and have been trying to avoid the net so I don't a) Check my work Emails b) Do any work and c) spend all my money on Ebay

A and B were remarkably successful - for C, see the next 20 odd posts about what Star Wars I have bought recently!!

Well what a pleasant Christmas it has been for once - now the tree has been ceremoniously thrown out of the window and I'm not constantly impaled on pine needles at any rate.

I am eschewing my usual pictorial representations in this post so I can actually write a bit. There are several lists I think I need to include here: What I got for Christmas; My new year's resolutions; and all the things i need to write about since last we... interfaced. Here goes:

What I got for Christmas:

Food processor (from Cath)
Deep fryer
Electric Food warming hotplate (awesome)
Electric Corkscrew (Even more awesome and will probably get its own post)
Electric Grill
Quantum leap series 2 and 3 on DVD
Cool Yoda T Shirt and Punk book from Claire
Lots of games and stuff from my mother

and loads of other bits and bobs

I gave Cath Take That tickets, about 20 DVDS and X Box games and such like and a Family Guy figures boxed set. Ace.

My New Year's Resolutions (that I will break) are:

Do less work (ie "Streamline")
Be less stressed
Write my MA Dissertation (on German Animal and Human Research 1919-1945)
Read more
Change over to Cath's PC
Spend less on Ebay and pay off some debts
Start paying my student loan (OK I have to but even so!!)
Play Squash and Badminton weekly
Buy a Shuttle

I think I can manage the last one at least

Things I need to write about:

Star Wars Collecting
Whatever happened to Swindon Town?
The Anti Nowhere League's new album
Andy Fisher's ENGAGEMENT party?!?!?!?