Monday, November 29, 2004

Ahhh... New Acquisitions

Set of 6 tins from the Empire tin range. I have absolutely no idea what they were designed for - unless they did official Star Wars snuff or pill boxes...

I did not "technically" go on Ebay, so I am protesting my innocence. They will be a present.

Visitors from outer space (or London)

Sof and Phil came down this weekend. Phil was surfing within half an hour of arriving. There's something intrinsically wrong with wanting to be wet and cold all the time standing on a plank of wood in the middle of a sewage filled ocean full of Claire's diseased crabs. Still, each to his own.

Sof and I did what we always do - wander around town or watch MTV and talk bollocks. Usually bitching about former housemates. Friday was Claire's party night so they went out and got slammed and Cath and I had a nice evening with intelligent conversation (well the bits relating to Star Wars at any rate) and good veggie chilli - which was unfeasibly hot.

I want a projector.

After that I had a splitting headache which ended up with me passing out at home and apparantly shouting "piss! piss!" in my sleep. Fortunately with no effects other than entertaining Cath and Sof.

Saturday was Match of the Day night so we didn't do much.

Sunday we lost the pub quiz because the idiot questionmaster got TWO answers wrong. I KNOW the Sid Vicious versionof "My Way" when I hear it - it was NOT the Sex Pistols. Even more annoyingly he gave Metallica's "Unforgiven" as the answer to the music question which was blatantly "Unforgiven II". I mean really.

Either way we lost, so it was rather academic, but I have my standards.

back to work monday though - I think I'll take the end of the week off to work.

Down the pube with the holiday monkey

Phil beat me at pool. Again. Still, at least I potted all but one of my balls this time, as well as one of his.

Got her!! See shes not THAT ugly really!
Pity she is Northern.

Breakfast at Java-ny's

Sof REALLY doesn't like having her photo taken. It's probably because she's ugly as sin ;-)
The waiter we had kept forgetting the order, and then didn't know what Tandoori Chicken was oddly. They'd run out of that infamous Mexican dish Cajun Chicken(!)

It's not always Black and White!

Sof and Phil - Sof doesn't like having her photo taken - Phil was bored waiting to take me to Pet World.

Weekend at Charlie's

The best Deli in town - A cheese feast awaits!
Sadly he was out of Caramalised Onion Cheddar.

Thursday, November 25, 2004

Lengthy meetings and leave!

Well I'm on leave for 2 days now - well aside from tracking my emails from home, sorting out any crises that come up and going in to work on friday (!)

As you may be able to tell, I survived my 4 meetings yesterday - 11.15 to 6.45! I had to send Sian out to get my lunch.

Yet again I didn't manage to get to my seminar - if I had been paying for it I wouldn't have been pleased. Still, at least I know more about the fall and rise of Soviet Religion and the rise and fall of the League of the Militant Godless. Good name for a band you think?

Oh well, back to Stalin - only 250 pages to go. I'm thinking about growing a moustache and wearing my high boots tho comrade....

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

I pity the fool...

No time to blog - 10 hours of reading last night and meetings all day today!!


never mind I'm on leave Thursday and Friday so I can read :-

Sof and Phil are coming down this weekend so that will mean no work either. When am I going to write a book review for 6th December!!!

Monday, November 22, 2004

Lets embarrass Keith

This is Keith. Keith loves me apparantly, he wants to make love to me. He is fat and smells slightly of old homo. He also loves Cath.

The Fall of Roy

The display looked good, we had no competition. Sadly, we had no customers either - I made £3 profit the whole day. Bollocks.

Al and his "Sting: Special Edition" display. Not a clue. Posted by Hello

Saturday's Town Experience

Lidl is the place for amusingly named food products.

Doughnuts on a rainy Saturday on the way to Hyper Value - is there anything better? Well, yes frankly. Posted by Hello

Don't rain on my Charades (or CHA-RA-DES if you're Al)

It was "Thai She-Boys" (Yes, Jason's) - it was sounds like TREE OK!!

Paul's efforts on "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze" - guess who put that one in the hat? Posted by Hello

Jason playing charades - although he wasn't acting anything at this point... Posted by Hello

This was Cath's mime for "Brazillian" Posted by Hello

Desperately seeking intelligence

Fat Aldo was thoroughly confused by a sticker on her nose - after 10 minutes of looking upwards, she remembered that she had paws....

Ow My Ass

Well that was an interesting weekend. Friday was spent playing Charades (!), most of which were porn films that no-one had ever heard of (see pics) - thanks Jas!

Saturday was the usual mix of shopping in town and Match of the Day, with a couple of hours reading in before being annoyed that West Brom held Arsenal and then relieved that Chelsea are shit.

Sunday.... the toy fayre.... oh joy, oh rapture, how glad I am that I got out of bed, cycled to Mumbles on a barely functional bike with what I can only describe as a rock for a saddle (hence the pained posterior), all for £3 PROFIT!!


Friday, November 19, 2004

Evil Sam

Crazy evil Sam - note the scary Derren Brown look-a-like.

Or is that Gollum.....

You can see what Sam gets up to here
(Geekness rating climbing with use of hyperlinks)


Budgie - the greatest Welsh metal band in history!

Deadline Day

38 Assignments later and I'm just recovering now.

If only I had a weekend to recover- alas I have to spend the weekend reading about Stalin, Russian religion and preparing for the fayre on Sunday!


Desperate for solder! Its terrible, I have to play left handed since Jas is stupid enough to be left-handed. Fool.


I'm starting to contemplate wearing it to work, the way Swansea winters are. Stay tuned!

Stalin to Star Wars

I may have forgotten to remove the dust jacket from this shot. Roxy had just been sat on vintage stationary, I hadn't recovered enough composure to think. I was surprised she didn't collapse the cabinet with her girth. Thanks to Swansea for bargain furniture!

Wall of Value

mmmm smell the money spent here - since its such a bad photo (AGAIN!) you will have to make up what is actually there.

Loose, but not slutty

Cabinet of unexpected pleasure - another crap photo, with the cool sticker completely obscured. Its from Gary Kurtz's collection don't cha know.

Odd amounts of soap for someone who doesn't shower

More soapy action from Cliro perfumeries '77
See the full box action - mmmmm

The Last 17 (well 15)

More from the collection..
Note out-of-focus carded bounty hunters and last 17 framing the cabinet. I'm *such* a great photographer...

"On Time"

Ok ok so maybe 10:30 is a touch late - I'm tired its not my fault!

Its bloody cold today, I might have to change over to the winter coat and Russian hat soon.
Not sure I can be bothered with work today, no change there. I guess I should do something that isn't writing on this though.

Star Roy's is go

Preparing for Sunday's Fayre (or fair) seems to be hassle free so far. Purging my collection a little for more new stuff - no more Boba Fett comics I never read and clearing out my backlog of R2D2 and C3PO shaped soaps now I have the store display.

Al has managed to con a lift down to Mumbles with a mate of his - I fear it may cost us a pint from the "takings" (ie £14 loss when no one shows and we don't sell anything)

Band Aid 2: The Revenge

Why is this on constantly - and why is it soo bad?

Soviet-Wordsworthian Freudian theories

Right here's the theory:

The Prelude indicates that self-awareness and the rise of the ego occurs after the break of "sexual awakening" and divides the innocence of "self" into the conscious and unconscious.

If we apply this to Soviet history, the unconscious coalesced self mirrors Tsarism (consciousness = Socialist awareness also) the Revolution would refled the "sexual awakening" and the loss of innocence and fight to establish a sense of Communist Selfhood. The post revolutionary period and Stlainism onwards would thus constitute a fully socially and therefore conscious awareness of self. The sense of I am mirrors this process, but is a more frequent cyclical process (another post -mind hurts). Essentially therefore, in Socialist eyes, the sense of a Soviet self, and a Soviet self centred in the state, is equivalent of the conscious self - and perhaps any lingering but unutterable doubts towards the system may represent the relics of the unconscious id? Who knows!

Thursday, November 18, 2004


I can't believe I am this easily swayed (and overly -competitive)!

Shameless Self-Publicity

Toy Fayres, nothing but Toy Fayres..
Why is it spelled with a "Y"? (note deliberate error on poster)

There she is!

Salacious Ho!

Anyone for Soap?

REALLY bad picture of the display stand produced by Omni cosmetics in 1983. As you can see, I also have many of the products. I promise that soon I will learn to take photos which aren't blurred and post some decent images. Maybe. Damn that camera-parkinsons..

I wonder who ate all the pies?


Where is Salacious Ho?

Roxy the Hutt

The heads are actual size mind. My photoshop career will take off from here! Posted by Hello

Star Wars

Ok here's the deal. Now that Sam has made me do this, the geek/nerd competition hits new heights. This Blog will cover Star Wars collecting, movies, "the band", my cats and any relevant musings on historical subjects (or irrelevant). Stay tuned bitches!


I can't get the fucking trees - dammit I will kill everbody in the whole world....

(Trans. The pictures aren't working yet)