Monday, November 29, 2004

Visitors from outer space (or London)

Sof and Phil came down this weekend. Phil was surfing within half an hour of arriving. There's something intrinsically wrong with wanting to be wet and cold all the time standing on a plank of wood in the middle of a sewage filled ocean full of Claire's diseased crabs. Still, each to his own.

Sof and I did what we always do - wander around town or watch MTV and talk bollocks. Usually bitching about former housemates. Friday was Claire's party night so they went out and got slammed and Cath and I had a nice evening with intelligent conversation (well the bits relating to Star Wars at any rate) and good veggie chilli - which was unfeasibly hot.

I want a projector.

After that I had a splitting headache which ended up with me passing out at home and apparantly shouting "piss! piss!" in my sleep. Fortunately with no effects other than entertaining Cath and Sof.

Saturday was Match of the Day night so we didn't do much.

Sunday we lost the pub quiz because the idiot questionmaster got TWO answers wrong. I KNOW the Sid Vicious versionof "My Way" when I hear it - it was NOT the Sex Pistols. Even more annoyingly he gave Metallica's "Unforgiven" as the answer to the music question which was blatantly "Unforgiven II". I mean really.

Either way we lost, so it was rather academic, but I have my standards.

back to work monday though - I think I'll take the end of the week off to work.


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