Its so hard trying to do work after doing a full days work - even if I don't have a headache. I've done less over the last 2 weeks than I did in one day when I was on Study leave. I need to fit some more in.
Anyway, basically I need to rewrite the introduction from the one I have already done - pretty straightforward.
Chapter 1 is mostly researched now - a summary history of the development of experimental method from antiquity - this will be used to demonstrate how human experimentation is not new and that arguably the Nazi experiements were just a logical exptrapolation in a moral void (war). HOWEVER - what we will also look at is the growth in morality and humanity - which will also take in animal experiments to a certain degree.
Chapter 2 will detail key nazi experiments - why they happened, and why they became so reviled. This will also look at similar experiements in other countries to compare. This will take us up to the Nuremburg trial in 1947.
Chapter 3 will look at the trial itself, the judgement and most importantly the fall out for medical science immediately after the war, including the Nuremberg code etc.
Chapter 4 will move into the period after WWII - 50s, 60s, 70s, etc and look at further experiments and abuses, focussing on the likes of Pappworht in the early period and the devleopment of ethics with the WMA Helsinki declaration amongst other things.
Chapter 5 - this is the biggie - evaluating views in the present day on these issues based in a large part on the questionnaire responses and journals et al. This is where the whole argument begins to come together.
Chapter 6 - The answer(?) - what impact did the Nazis have, was it just them or was it a wide variety of factors - just how vile were those experiements compared to others and should we be worried about science falling again with things like cloning, removal of consent, Eugenics etc etc. Most importantly, what have we learnt from this period of history and how can we ensure it doesnt happen again. Have we leanret anything at all - do people in the field even remember or know anything about the Nazis or just scare stories?
We shall see...