Thursday, December 16, 2004

Geek update

Sam remains leading geek as we draw near to the end of 2004, thanks to his ceaseless computer fiddling. I'm not sure if having a pink line gives me extra points though...

Also - does drawing a graph of geek points give me a late surge?!


The meal was rather nice - until Sam and I discovered the awful truth about the Strawberry sundaes we ordered (on a wednesday) - a) they were chocolate, and b) the glass dessert things artfully concealed a plastic inner tub - AND there was no bubblegum at the bottom.

At this point the conversation degenerated and chocolate sundaes became unfeasibly funny.

Prize for best line of the night though goes to Jon - "with realistic hair"

Christmas Meal

We all thought the meal was going really well until Sarah unexpectedly threw a plate at Jo with such force that it became a blur. Jo expertly caught the plate by its edges. Malcolm looked on impassively whilst Greg found his hand remarkably interesting.

It was a great laugh though!

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

ARSE - Problems (not arse problems(!))

The Exchange Server is back up.... now the authentification server is down. BOLLOCKS.

Oh Manics report - cancelled due to James' flu

What else can go wrong?

We all need one!

aTo protect against all of those troublesome Andy-based problems!


The new singer?

Lenin wanted to be the new lead singer... I say new, that would imply we have a lead singer!

My new Bass

Isn't she lovely....Isn't she wonderful!
Well actually - she would be if the D String didn't buzz quite so badly.
Methinks a bit of nut adjustment...

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Freebies Posted by Hello

Exchange Down

MS Exchange Server is down now. For christ's sake. I've been paralysed all day in the office. Still, at least I had the opportunity to watch Return of the King: Well Gay edition. Still better than the theatre release though - just. TOO MUCH HOBBIT LOVE!

We received a delivery of two free DVD/VCR combos today with our projectors. Bizarre. The first free gift I didn't want - gutted we didn't get the PS2s though.

Now if only I could stop my phone ringing..

Monday, December 13, 2004


God Damn Windows 98 (and ME and XP) they're all WANK.

Not new news I realise. Try and fix a Tiny laptop with no decent programmes and no idea what hardware is installed or any drivers. Its the most annoying thing ever!

Plus its Christmas - a generally annoying time of year anyway.

Lazyness... Sheer lazyness

I fel that I should write something as I haven't left a post for 5 days - there is a reason!
The home PC has been confiscated by the police (!) - Jas reported some paedo and the police came over and nicked it. Jas's next question "Is animal porn illegal?" worried Paul somewhat.

I seem to have accidentally won a load of party supplies on ebay from Alex my dealer (feelgoodytoday) - leaving bids doesn't always mean immediate loss. I have also been busy tracking down an OTC X Wing on the cheap for Claire's nephew (no, not that Claire. Or that one). Next on the list of Phil's hunter service is a Luke lightsaber for someone else's nephew. Trickier that I'd have thought. Forbidden planet have the new OTC ones (remoulds of the 95 ones) for £25! I'll keep looking.

Cath's christmas presents are all bought and wrapped, and Roxy and Lenin's Raschetunnel is also wrapped - although Roxy almost saw it by putting her head in the unsealed end of the wrapping.

EVEN MORE EXCITINGLY - I have finally bought my new bass - and a spanking new lead and some stands so my guitars don't keep falling over. Oh she's a beauty - Tanglewood Warrior II in a dark brown stain finish. With four knobs - unlabeled so I had a hell of a job figuring out Bass, Middle, Treble and Vol. In fact when I got it home I thought it was fucked as no sound came out of the amp - fortunately I just hadn't turned the volume up(!). Its working fine now anyway - I just need to eliminate the fret buzz on the D String 1sr fret, which is a slight pain in the ass.

I must be getting better though - as I was playing it in the shop some kids came and asked me if I knew any other Chili Peppers - I had been playing the solo from Otherside. I rule!

Anyway - Pictures to follow - my PDA was low on batteries.

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

On the eighth day of christmas...

After sleeping in I discovered this in the kitchen! The little buggers had gone straight for door 24 (via several others), got straight through the plastic and eaten all the milk chocolate treats. They still refuse to eat the white ones.

There is a light that never goes out

Lenin and Roxy LOVE the vets. After a 20 minute struggle getting then into the basket - complete with hand savaging action, they then refused to get out of the basket at the vets. Quick jabs, a comment on Roxy the "Lump" and £81 later they were back and hungry again. They slept in late this morning tho...

Monday, December 06, 2004

Spanish Caravan

This (on the right) is Cathy (or cat-thy) in this pic. Now she is REALLY fine.
Second only to Cath naturally (!)

Everything else nice I have to say is far to hot for this site ;-)

Christmas Parties - Gotta love 'em!

I managed NOT to puke on anyone or anything. I am so proud.

I did get very drunk and dance around a lot in a skimpy girls T shirt. (not a T shirt belonging to a skimpy girl - thats just nonsense). The band were really good - although the Universally speaking cover was a bit weird coming from Clive!

Its a pity people convened in the bar - but what the hell we had a good time!

Kudos to Claire and Rob for having the Proclaimers "I'm gonna Be" as their wedding song!

We managed to avoid the worst of the hangover on saturday and had a profitable shopping experience in town. By profitable I mean exactly the opposite(!), but we got a lot done.

I think I may have accidentally invited my parents up for Christmas. Joy - now what the hell am I going to cook?

Any suggestions?

(No Jo, I can't eat Fish I'm VEGETARIAN!)

Embarrassing Baby Photos!

Look at them! Hard to believe the fats were that tiny!

Party on Wayne. Party on Garth.

Suzanne realised that the hitman had missed AGAIN.

The night was going well. Cath's game of ' how much will stick to Phil's head' was at its zenith.
I was very, very drunk.

Mart - lead guitarist with "The Band" (and drummer apparantly - anyone got any drums?)

And Introducing....

Dr Clive Weston and the Arrhythymics.

Oh yes.

Meet the gang!

On our way to see the Strokes last year - Fish ("You never forget your first pig"), Matt (Mr Wolf) and Gary G next to me (the G is for Gay we assume)! Not Fish's tube of hardcore smarties and camp arm.


Shhhh - it's the cats' present! How cool is this. Stand by for some christmas photography!

Get up, get up, I'm getting down with the fatness...

The Fat: Bag Lady

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

MORE hoildays!

Well I'm on leave again (until monday).

Sadly I still haven't written this book review so I'll be doing that mostly.

Hopefully I can get into town to get my christmas shopping done for Cath before they sell out.

I also need to make a few backup CDs for the party on friday - Personality Crisis anyone?

Soviet atheism is more interesting thatn you would think!

Sony is dead. Long live Samsung!

New monitor - lovely! Now I don't have to hit it every ten minutes!