Monday, December 06, 2004

Christmas Parties - Gotta love 'em!

I managed NOT to puke on anyone or anything. I am so proud.

I did get very drunk and dance around a lot in a skimpy girls T shirt. (not a T shirt belonging to a skimpy girl - thats just nonsense). The band were really good - although the Universally speaking cover was a bit weird coming from Clive!

Its a pity people convened in the bar - but what the hell we had a good time!

Kudos to Claire and Rob for having the Proclaimers "I'm gonna Be" as their wedding song!

We managed to avoid the worst of the hangover on saturday and had a profitable shopping experience in town. By profitable I mean exactly the opposite(!), but we got a lot done.

I think I may have accidentally invited my parents up for Christmas. Joy - now what the hell am I going to cook?

Any suggestions?

(No Jo, I can't eat Fish I'm VEGETARIAN!)


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