Heroes Season 2

I promise I won't spoil this if you haven't seen it yet (after all the BBC have only shown episodes one and 2), but here are some points to think about while you watch.
1. "Created by Tim Krings" - no, created by Stan Lee, ripped off by Tim Krings. Also George Lucas (this will become more obvious later in the series). But seriously, this is just X-Men really blatantly. I mean really - Stryker is even in it essentially.
2. What the hell point do half the characters in this series have except for as plot devices - especially the south american brother and sister?
3. Hiro is great - by far the best character. Peter Petrelli remains sidelined and pointless.
4. There are some good twists, but it is far too short due to the writers' strike and they tried to force the pace to finish it in 11 episodes. Doesn't work.
5. Last episode - think Great Escape and Indiana Jones. You'll know what I mean.
6. Also, and another one for the final two episodes - wouldn't healing ability heal poor eyesight too?