This is possibly the scariest sight imaginable. Papa Lazaru and Alan developed Jazz hands and failed to recover. It was touch and go for a while there.

Alan, Mel and ummm.... Alan got fed up of being a minority squared.

Pink ladies they may have been - but too much pink!! It seemed to upset Ria slightly.

Mel and Ruth. I think Ruth came as the 1960s - Mel obviously came as Mickey Pierce from Only Foold & Horses!

Gemma - I imagine this was how intel techs looked in the 70s.

Jenna and Katie - very glamourous.

AT first I thought that Henry hadn'y had time to change - but I noted that he had cunningly disguised himself as a 'real' doctober by adding a note suggesting that it was 2008.

Sheila decided to come dressed as a tablecloth I think.
Sian's feather phobia came to the fore, as Martin arrived dressed as an IT salesman. Unless he came as an Arthur Miller play, in which case the outlook was bleak. (he was a Mod, in fact)
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