Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Really, really REALLY stupid rules....

From recent news reports it is clear to me that Britain is actually quite, quite mad.

So far, a 73 year old lady has been sent to prison for refusing to pay her unfair £53 council tax hike, yet muggers and drink drivers wander around with a barely slapped wrist.


Even more bizarrely, some Northern hospital has banned cooing at babies because "it infringes their hman rights"(!). What the fuck is this all about!!!! They are like 2 days old, I'm sure their working knowledge of the European Human Rights Act is minimal at best, say about as good as the judge who decided to jail a 73 year old woman. Unbelievable.


"Debbie Lawson, neo-natal manager at the hospital's special care baby unit, said: "Cooing should be a thing of the past because these are little people with the same rights as you or me."

Rather more sensibly, Ms Phipps of the National Childbirth Trust said

"I don't find myself with a post bag full of (letters from) women complaining that other people are looking at their babies. " (although I suspect she will now start to get them!!)

Talk about a police state - next the government will be shooting innocent Brazillians just for....

Oh holy crap.

I'd watch out if I was Gilberto Silva.


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