White TIE boxed and some other bits.

Box of Titanium Series and those stupid coin things.

Bend Ems. Great.

Some store displays.

Weird ROJ flag thing - not sure if its real or repro but quite cool anyway

Celebration 3 Exclusive foam heads inc ollectors case. Pointless.

yet more

Box o' vintage figures
Including Meccano Jawa - $3000 anyone?

Evil Knievel Scramble Van and bike set - always something interesting on top of Alex's monitor. Last time it was a boxed B Wing

Rare bootleg cap/potato gun with Vader holding severed head!

Stock, stock and some bizarre mexican bootlegs. Blimey.

A box of those premium cup things from 97 and 99

This was all the stuff we had listed before I left

The stock of new figures was impressive - even more so was how so many had been crushed!

The house sprouted MISB Tripod laser cannons at all corners

I have returned from the promised land of Alex's house in Barnet, complete with a huge bag of Star Wars swag, a load of photos and a sense of self satisfaction. I am totally knackered as I was going to bed at about 4am, but we got through almost all of his stock and listed a large portion of it. Its amazing how much stuff he had forgotten about, let alone what he actually had.
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