Christmas Time, Missiles and whine(ing)

I hate Christmas, but the staff-student parties make it more bearable (well, drunker anyway). After the success of last year, Claire once again stepped into the void that is my graphic design talent and came up with the goods. We were so impressed even though we all know how good she is. Sadly I can't take any credit for it like I usually do!
Despite this, Claire still thinks its rubbish and she can do a lot better - and she probably can. For us mere mortals in the graphic design world, however, this is great and better than we ever could have hoped for, particularly on a short timescale. Now I'm just hoping she isn't going to start charging me £200 just to go see her ;-).
Anyway, she wouldn't let me give her credit on the poster or staff Email so I am risking her wrath by writing it here - knowing that she's gonna read it - maybe she might start to take the hint that we all think she's great, and yours truly wouldn't swap her friendship for anyone.... although if she were blonde...... ;-)
Anyway this entry is for you Claire and I can't say enough great things about you, given that you will beat me up for it probably - but its worth it!
Pleeeeease come to the party!!!!!!!!!!!
P.S. - to anyone who doesn't know Claire - yes she is hot as well as talented. Isn't life unfair sometimes!
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