Why try and remember the set list when you can get one off the band!! It even has Animal's boot print on it! (although they did add Reck a Nowhere and We will not Remember You)
As I predicted it was an amazing gig - for a change even both the support bands were top notch.
The evening kicked off at about 8:30 (after we'd been in the pub since 1:30) with the Viva Kneivels - a band I'd seen before in the Inferno and knew to be lush. The crowd didn't really get going but they were appreciated - I thought they were ace - especially the trademark cover of Tiger Feet. They played for about 30 minutes before the Picture Frame Seduction - an Old Skool band I'd not heard of came on. I wasn't expecting much but by the end of the set I was a convert and bought a T Shirt and a CD for £7 (my T shirt was soaked and the ANL ones were £12). They were more metally than punk, but with a great edge and some good melody unusually. More when I listen to the CD better. This got the crowd going a bit, but everyone was keen for the main event.
After another short break and with little ceremony it was time, and Animal and the boys stormed onstage and with little preamble (except about not being to Cardiff for "fuckin' years") they launched into 'We Are.... ' Naturally the crowd went nuts - I was right at the front about 2' away from Animal with my arms around a couple of punks going nuts with them and getting rammed against the stage (well a 2' high structure that was a stage tonight). This was the start of things to come, as they blasted through 'For You', 'Burn 'em All' and Nowhere Man, before giving us a break with some new stuff. This was great and it gave me a chance to stand back and watch and try to reinflate my right lung which had seemingly collapsed.
The highlights of the next bit were Snowman and, obviously So What, but they also shoehorned We Will Not Remember... and Reck a Nowhere in there as well!
Another welcome break before the first encore - and it went MENTAL! Animal and the boys ripped through Woman, Animal and Streets of London at double quick and ultra-thrash speed - my neck can barely move and I am covered in bruises. Another quick break and then, for me, the best bit of the whole night - they played Fucked Up and Wasted! I'd only recently found this song on Scum and it was so catchy I'd been singing it all week. It was the perfect end to an awesome gig - and to cap it all off I shook the bassist's hand (who I'm sure I've seen before - with the Damned possibly?) and Animal's!!! And then, of course, I got the setlist. Ace.
On a different not - I also found two peoples' glasses, for which they were immensely grateful but guys - take 'em off next time! I also managed to get a guy called Al to the gig 'cos he saw my ANL jacket in the street and managed to get tickets. All in all....
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