Cath and I watched the Tim Burton/Johnny Depp film about legendary B Movie 'Director' Ed Wood the other night. It is a work of genius and I urge everyone to see it. Depp captures the essense of Wood's character that comes across in his films to a tee, and seeing Burton's take on Wood's creative processes is perfect. Wood's freindship and dependency relationship with ailing, broke, morphine addicted star Bela Lugosi (Dracula) and his shameless attempts to shoehorn him into every film regardless of plot (also his use of totally irrelevant stock footage of WWII or stampeding wildebeast) and in any sitation is also captured well, and there is an element of sadness in Lugosi's fate. After he died during the shooting of Plan 9, a ringer was brought in who looked so unlike Lugosi (and Wood's attempt to prevent the viewer notice this was to have the new 'Lugosi' to partly conceal his face at all times with his cape (!?!) it was just ridiculous - but somehow fitted in perfectly with the rest of the plot.
The only downside is that it has made me order loads of Ed Wood films which I already know are going to be the worst films ever - perhaps even worse than Leprechaun 4, or that holy grail of crap films, Alien Intruder. To this end, Glen or Glenda?, Bride of the Monster and the all time classic Plan 9 From Outer Space are winging their ways from the US and Oz respectively (cheap DVDs). I can't wait!
I am also thinking about going to the student fancy dress party as Ed himself - I already have the moustache. Now I need a slicked back wig, movie camera, sunglasses and 40s/50s clothes.
Oh yes.... and a pink angorra sweater.... mmmmm
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