Thursday, August 04, 2005

Punk Fest

I had a great idea this morning in Singleton Park - A Punk Festival.

We've got party in the park, proms in the park and Escape into the Park - but nothing for people with any taste.

I reckon it would be doable - get some cool British punk bands and maybe some US attractions, some newer bands and some local bands, it would be a great day.

So far I'm thinking The Damned, Anti-Nowhere League, UK Subs, Misfits (despite the shoddiness of their current line up) and them some locally sourced talent. Maybe I could get Alex to offer slots to all those weird bands he likes, and maybe even SOTB, although they would suck next to the League!

Anyone want to fund me?

As for names..... Cuntstock?


Blogger taz said...

You should get the Splitters to play cause they always gig in Swansea and like to get naked and jump around a lot onstage which is pretty funny to watch. Also er... The Arteries? There are a few 'punk' bands that gig in Mumbles but unfortunately they are all about 15 yrs old and sound like NOFX.

11:41 am  

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