Beach BBQ Anyone?

Saturday 23rd July 2005
Today was the day of the propsed beach BBQ. I was determined to do this no matter how bad the weather. First we spent until 2:30 recovering from the night before with MANY cups of tea. Then a trip to Govindas for the most insanely filling meal of our lives following. After concentrating to avoid being sick, we made a short trip to Tescos to stock up on food for the barbie that at that time we really didnt want. The rain held off and at 8:30, with tent and supplies, we made our way down to the beach, after almost deciding to have the barbie outside Bargain Booze in Uplands. Neither Matt, Andy, Cath or I were hungry, which came as a bit of a shock to Al and Taz, so we didnt light the BBQ until gone 10 PM. We did make a lush fire though and the tent enabled us to stay in the leigh of the wind. I forgot a torch. Difficult to do several things without one:
1) cook anything
2) tell if meat is done
3) take any photos that don't come out like the one above (looking like a Cure album cover)
4) not burn veggieburgers
5) put a tent up
6) gather firewood
7) find a bottle opener
8) see where sand has got to (probably for the best)
9) take a piss (for girls especially)
10) take tent down.
The wind also failed to help in this.
Nevertheless we enjoyed a good barbeque and managed to ram most of the food down our throats (and most of the booze), before it started spitting with rain and we retired to the tent for a few hours of farting, uncomfortably close man resting, andy's gayness, sand, and Al getting a "really big bug" on his hand. Great night. Then we had to walk back up the hill. Sunday morning my calves were so stiff I could barely walk. The tent is still full of sand.
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