Diamond Head Live @ Sin City 02/05/08

Cath and I went to see Diamond Head on Friday and Matt and Andy were coming down, so we figured we'd get there early as they might be on around 9:00. They weren't, they were slated for 9:45 and there were two support bands, so as the first band, Winterburn, came on looking like Pantera wannabes we thought it was going to be a long night. Not so - not only did they look like Pantera (a bit), they also sounded quite like them too! The bassist particularly impressed me playing a 6 string ProjectBass, with a clarity of tone underneath the roaring guitar riffs which took their stylish retro-thrash to a level above the usual local bands. The next band on looked like a right load of nancies, but turned out to be an absolutely awesome 80s hair-rock style band called Rollin Thunder. Cath and I both loved these guys, to the extent that I bought and album and got it signed! Ace.
Diamond Head were, surprisingly, absolutely amazing. I was expecting a gig where I could be aloofly interested at the back, but I was immediately headbanging over the monitor down the front and The Prince and Lightning to the Nations were belted out by the 'new' singer, Nick Tart (who incidently has very tiny nipples). The rest of the set did not disappoint, even though I didn't know some of it, with It's Electric and Am I Evil proving real crown pleasers. It was fairly obvious many fans knew them through Metallica, but it was nice to see some older guys there too. Overall, one of the best gigs I've ever been to, and the band really seemed to enjoy it too, getting involved with the crowd a lot (I had a fair amount of singer sweat on my). Wicked.
Diamond Head were, surprisingly, absolutely amazing. I was expecting a gig where I could be aloofly interested at the back, but I was immediately headbanging over the monitor down the front and The Prince and Lightning to the Nations were belted out by the 'new' singer, Nick Tart (who incidently has very tiny nipples). The rest of the set did not disappoint, even though I didn't know some of it, with It's Electric and Am I Evil proving real crown pleasers. It was fairly obvious many fans knew them through Metallica, but it was nice to see some older guys there too. Overall, one of the best gigs I've ever been to, and the band really seemed to enjoy it too, getting involved with the crowd a lot (I had a fair amount of singer sweat on my). Wicked.
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