Woolworths - going, going....


Snow in the Brecon Beacons

I'd forgotted how entertaining sleddding was...even on a bodyboard.

Getting into work was problematic - but at least I bothered to make it!

Somehow I got into this pose which reminded me of a bit in the Darth Maul - Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan duel in EPI.

Deco braches out into aquarium paraphenalia.

Bought Cath a new Car for Christmas and we got a SatNav so took it for a test run. My photography skills seem to get worth with age.

Drive towards the light....

Sof doing her bit for all those Spaniards who like to make monkey noises at black players - Sof, you aren't helping...

Eddie Izzard's new show at the Lyric in London (December 2008) - outstading, fully back to his very best.

...Although I didn't actually manage to take any photos of him!

I was impressed and perplexed by the need for binoculars in a tiny theatre. Also, I didn't have 50p...

Paul Gray played a few songs with the Damned in December 08 at the Point, Cardiff.

My traditionally stupid Christmas hair went a step further via the use of cunning props purchased from Camden.

My very best Jason Lee impersonation...
Sorry about that - what with this and that I have been AWOL from blogging for a goodly number of months - mostly through laziness, but business and illness have played small parts. Anyhow, here is a brief summary of the life of a Sith since the last post.
"My photography skills seem to get worth with age" - you have a lisp when you write!? How is that even possible.
Nice hair, though. Any photos of the car? I'm presuming it's not a Smart Roadster?
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