Indiana Jones Figures

With the impending release of Indy IV - The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, a new line of 3 3/4" action figures has been releases. The first 8 figures are from ROTA and feature 2 Indys (one with whip cracking action), Sallah, Marion, Monkey Man, Cairo Swordsman, Belloq(robes) and a German Soldier. There are also 3 2 packs - Two more German soldiers, Indy and the Ark of the Covenant, and Marion and a Cairo henchman. Inside each pack is a secret treasure from across the movies, and a little sticker. 6 stickers gets you a free mail away crystal skeleton on throne. I've already completed the form lol. The Indy figure is pretty cool with nice articulation and both a colied and extended whip, as well as a holsterable pistol. The only improvement I would have made would be a removable hat and a better Harrison likeness, but its not too bad. The cards are nice too, with nice attention to detail on the edge where it is cut like an ancient carving (ie not straight), and with the whip detailing framing the figure and forming the hanger.
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