Swindon Cycling - 8+9 March 2008

Ow - the results of a rather foolish 'crash' - scroll down to find out what happened!

This was supposed to be a 2-day cycling weekend with a gig in the middle. Here is what happened.
Went out - it started pissing down. Headed up for pre-ride breakfast at Barbury Castle - up a steep, long, wet hill in the driving rain on off road tyres into a major headwind. Nice.
Got to the cafe had some food and tea (Andy had chicken burger and chipe for some reason - probably homosexuality). Set off again. Wind on the ridgeway was so insane it was difficult to ride in a straight line without getting blown off course. So we decided to abort and have a longer ride on Sunday. Got back to Croft car park where someone had set up a small (about 2ft) ramp over a mud bank. Al went over fine. I took my run, hit the ramp - then something went catastrohically wrong and I was sent face first into the ground - fortunately it was rather yielding grass but it knocked me about a bit. Somehow I had gotten mud on the top of the bars, so no idea what happened. Bruising and much entertainment for Al and some passing kids followed. Alas no picture or video.
Home, ice pack, cup of tea, Town, Toys R Us, food, gig, pub. Matt got loaded, Al wasn't far behind.
I was up at 8:30 - took 3 or so hours to pry Al out of bed and longer for Matt. Had breakfast. Matt didn't even pretend he was going to make cycling so Al and I went out together. Up the ridgeway, missed Avebury, got slightly lost, found Marlborough, had some lunch, came back. 32 miles. Not too bad, not brilliant though. Nice weather, if still a little windy.
Got slightly worried that the trains were going to be fucked up by the storm, but everything was fine and I am back in Swansea.
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