Football updates
Multiple football related updates are needed:

In the Fantasy Superleague I have regainded top spot with only the cup final to go - for which I have naturally loaded my team with Man U and Chelsea players. I think I might just take the title... In the second half game I am lying in second, but with similar tactics employed you never know (we all remember my dramatic win in the World).

As Man utd take the premiership and Arsenal stumble home in fourth, lacking most of their big players through injury, Swindon powered their way to automatic promotion, although their limp end to the season meant the top 2 were able to draw away a little. I am nervous about League 1, and that is a depressing concept al round...
In terms of my own footballing - we played the first year GEP students and lost 6-0. I have a very painful knee and now I can't play football or cycle. I hope it is better soon as I have training to do for roughtride on June 3rd. Yikes.
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