2 Way Mirror - Live at Face Off!

21st July 2006
This was the second gig for the lads (that I had seen, and lets face it, that what makes the gig!), and despite playing to a near empty bar, they ripped the place up. The welcome return of To Die For (not 2 Die 4 please), reallyinjected the set with extra energy, although the vocals could be a bit grittier, it is still a great song. There were a couple of new tracks, some slower ones which really worked to break down the set and add some emotional content to disrupt the flow of anger. "Got Loaded", a song I was initially uninspired by has suddenly become much better, to the extent that I was humming it for several days, and the backup vocals from AJ worked as a great counterpoint to the lead singer. They also had to overcome some bass problems, but got it sorted pretty quickly. perhaps some solo work in the break next time.....
These guys deserve a bigger stage and a better attended gig, and if you look at the crap that exists out there, at least one album! It is rare that I actually like a band like this, yes there are going to be weak, far-to-FFAF-sounding songs, but the good ones are genuinely good - keep it going!
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