More Shuttle Conundrums

it's 1985, you are a 6 year old with a new baby sister (unwanted), a massive star wars collection and fascination and an obsession with toy collecting. On an outing to Salisbury to obtain an ornage Tri-ang ride on tractor, in the Toyshop window you see the greatest toy ever - one you have never seen before or will ever see in a toyshop again: the Imperial Shuttle. It was £40, you beg your mum and dad - who, having just forked out for the aforementioned tractor and with a finance sapping infant mysteriously refuse - much to your amazement as parents never refuse you Star Wars toys. You are gutted. Years later you get back into Star Wars collecting as an adult passtime to discover that gleaming shuttle you missed out on for £40 as a child is now worth over £450!! Many opportunities to obtain one go by as lack of funds and unhelpful fathers refuse to allow the purchase. 21 years after your first sighting, you finally obtain the object of your desire. Now the real question:
Do you
a) Keep it in mint sealed condition to preserve it as a valuable collectable
b) Carefully unseal one end, remove and assemble the shuttle for display and play.
Normally, as an experienced collector, I wouldn't even be dreaming of this and would stab anyone who even suggested as such. However this is special to me. This is the one that got away. Something I have never held or played with or gone "Arrrroooowwwn" with whilst lugging it through the air to a simulated endor landing site on the sofa. being able to do this would bring a lot of childhood memories back and erase some of the demons installed by my spiteful parents, who in refusing to buy me toys have twisted me into the evil psychotic person you see before you, bitter and resentful. perhaps opening this shuttle may turn me into some saintly character, although I am sure it is too later for that, Luke.
The flip side of all this positivity is rather worrying - if I give in to my impulses and open it, would I then have a nervous breakdown after effectively destroying the inherent value in a MISB toy and by losing the respect of the collecting community, or simply forever regret doing something THAT stupid. At this stage I still favour opening it, but the final decision will take a lot of considering.
Any ideas?
open it u gimp ....:)
Gay assed loser!
Open it, put your little soldier in it, and have your fun
kill yourself
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