Swansea University to move?

After yet another spate of "release to the media first" news from the University, this time about a possible move from campus, the growing fallout is pretty amusing to watch. Already the Evening Post and Wales Today have had headline stories about the move. This is all the more entertaining when you hear the full story. Relocating the entire campus is only one of three possible options to develop the University into the cash generating corporation the VC needs to justify his salary. The other two rely on redevelopment work here which would probably cost even more.
The main problem with relocating? well apart from the recent massive investments in the ILS building and medical School, once students realise the Uni is in Llanelli or so far out of town its almost inaccessible without a car, who the hell will come here? A "research led" student free university may be the long term goal, but what is the point - isn't that what research institutions are for? If the University needs to bow to the pressures of global capitalism, then why bother with education at all?
One thing is for sure, if it moves to Llanelli (if I'm still here by then, which I hope to god I won't be), I quit!
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