Monday, July 04, 2005

Things learned this weekend:

1. Sony Erikssons use filenames for photos that PCs can't read by including brackets. Doh.

2. Gary is a complete gimp when drunk (which we knew anyway).

3. Persia is (or was) near the Caspian sea. Which is by Russia and Iran (now theres an axis of evil for you). Persia was, I believe, conquered by Alexander the Gay.

4. The guys from the Woodville fish bar are brothers, from Persia, and speak three languages. Also they used to live in England but prefer Wales.

5. JML 'magic erasers' are not, in fact, magical at all. It does nothing to dispel dragons and failed to remove the stain from my floor. It did mildly remove some of the mould from my grouting.

6. Greg is lame at table football.

7. Kings of Leon are quite dull live.

8. The 'Rescue Lance' mission on GTA Vice City is near impossible.

9. Worms 3D is the hardest game ever made.

10. Rampage does have an end - but there are 769 levels first!

11. Sporttalk radio is total bollocks.


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