Wednesday, September 15, 2010

I'm back - and boy, am I pissed!

Why am I pissed, I hear you cry? Some of you may remember I completed rebuilding my Hardrock a year ago....about the time of my last post (sorry about that!). Well, on Friday 10 September 2010 some cunt nicked it from outside the Grove Building. MASSIVE pain in the arse. Hopefully I'll get about half it's value back from insurance, but its all such a lot of faff.

I aim to be a more regular blogger this year after my laziness (and mentalness), so let's see what I can do. Despite saying I wouldn't, I have rather fallen into the Facebook trap.

I can hear some of you say "what is the point in this blog? Why do you do it?". Well, as almost nobody reads it, it's quite a nice place to rant about stupid things, and perhaps entertain the odd interested party. To those of you who don't blog - give it a try, you might enjoy it.

More posts soon....


Anonymous Matt said...

I read your blog, but then I'm almost nobody! Glad to see you back. Fuck Facebook.

Sorry to hear about the bike, I know it was a real project with all the work you did on it.

8:43 am  

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