Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Halloween Party

Naturally refusing the more obvious costumes and with a time limit, I decided to make a Batman Begins Scarecrow mask. Several key problems arose:

1. Where the hell do you buy Hessian from?

2. Homebase's rope and twine section is confusing

3. I can't sew.

4. I can't sew hessian with brown twine.

5. I was trying to do it the night before the party.

However, as I think you'll agree the result is pretty cool - certainly scared a few people at the party anyway. The big advantage f the mask is that I could leer at the rather less well clad female revellers without notice. Ace. I won't name names I am too much of a gent, but some of the temptresses there were HOT.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You mean your costume involved putting a bag over your head?


9:30 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so you mean i had to walk around town with you for four hours listening to you reminisce about brown string from 20 YEAR AGO for you to look like some crazy-ass tele tubby, what have you got on your face? grass?

6:09 pm  

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