Carrier Bag Please

No weekend is complete without a new saying, ripping the piss out of Andy and an amazingly funny story (usually at Andy's expense).
To cut a long story short I shall use bullet points
- Andy visits Sian (his Fiancee)'s parents house
- Andy develops a rare anal condition know medically as 'bumwee'
- Andy's pants become ensoiled.
- Andy is forced to spend many minutes in the toilet pissing from his ass
- Andy removes said pants and is unsure what to do: his internal logic reads i) hide them - where? ii) Flush them - might get stuck iii) Get rid of them some other way - can't.. Instead he...
- Leaves bathroom with said pants and ASKS HIS FUTURE MOTHER IN LAW FOR A CARRIER BAG. Now thats the impression I'd like to make.
"Hi, Mum, I've shat myself, can I have a carrier bag for my pants please?"
Not only then did he tell his fiancee and her family, he then proceeded to tell all of us. That would be Phil 'can't keep his mouth shut with anything even remotely funny'. Heheheheheh...
The man is a legend.
Ha ha ha! That is disgusting! And you put that on the INTERNET?!!! I'm telling you nothing...
I finally blogged btw.x
Ha. I laugh at your feeble pursuit - to embarrass me. Ha ha ha, CUNT.
Would you believe it, if I told you there's more?
But putting that aside, perhaps this would be an appropriate time to tell all the listeners about the phrase you coined yourself from personal experiences - "bubble fart"?
Hmmmm. Careful you don't end up on a slippery slope Phil - balance isn't a stength of yours.
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