Studio 18A

Jump in the studio!
My lounge is starting to resemble a studio - I have my bass, a drum kit, 3 amps, an effects pedal, innumerable cables and now a keyboard(!)
A lot, you'd think, for three people (and thats not counting Steve's 2 guitars)
We now have a song at least - about stray dogs no less! Sounds a lot like Lou Reed - very slidey. We have also been working on a harmonic interlude and a song that currently has no lyrics and sound s alot like a Zutons song.
Wait for it - I am also trying my hand at lyrics. Oh dear. For some reason it is developing into something about the pensions crisis but seems to have developed a Weezeresque structure. I'm almost certain it will be shite, but I will put it on here when I write some more for your amusement.
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